Something weird happens to me in January.  I become a homebody with a wicked pull to clean out every closet, pantry, medicine cabinet and file drawer in my house.  OCD tendencies that have been dormant for 11 months rise up and shout “Girlfriend, it is time to get organized!”  Just like shedding those nasty pounds gained over the holidays, I also feel the need to shed the layers of clutter that have been weighing me down all year.

But I have to remind myself, sometimes layers are a good thing.  We talk a lot about layering in the design business.  Often, it is necessary to employ several ingredients to make one fabulous statement.  This is especially the case with custom window treatments.

In this month’s SCLgram, we cover Part II in our series on window treatments.  We will talk about the essential components that make up a well-designed, custom window treatment.  Each layer played an important role and must be selected thoughtfully.  In addition, I will introduce you to three unique pieces of drapery hardware.  In no time, you will be speaking the parlance of a drapery pro.

So read on, while I get back to cleaning out closets…or am I just making room for new stuff?

Warm regards,
